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Flying Your Plane

No matter how many years they have flown, every pilot knows that the most critical time for any flight is during takeoff and landing. Procedures must be followed and checklists fully completed, including flight plan, weather review, and weight load and fuel level checks, to name a few.   While much of the actual flight can be put on autopilot, it would be foolish and dangerous to take anything for granted at the beginning and end of a flight.

Have you ever thought how much like a pilot you are? Instead of flying a plane, you are in charge of something even more valuable than a $100 million piece of equipment -– your thoughts and actions.

What do you do before you takeoff for the day? Do you know where you are going? Do you know how you are going to get there? Do you have the tools you need to accomplish your tasks?

Here are some things to consider:

  • Is your fuel level sufficient for what you need to accomplish? A good healthy breakfast will do wonders for your energy level after takeoff.
  • Your fuel will not last forever, so plan to replenish with small snacks throughout the day.
  • Do you know where you are going and the conditions at takeoff? What is the first action you take when you arrive at work? Is it something easy or difficult? Time management experts agree that getting a difficult item out of the way will give you a sense of accomplishment and enable you to focus on other tasks throughout the day.
  • What if something unexpected comes up? Pilots are trained to deal with the unexpected. However, when the things go awry in our daily lives, we usually complain, panic or go with the flow. Consider developing a checklist to consult when things go wrong. Your co-workers might think it’s a bit strange, but I bet you’ll be a heck of a lot more productive and calm when it counts.
  • Do you end your day in structured manner or do you just crash and burn when you run out of gas? Remember, landing is just as important as takeoff. Why not spend the last 30 minutes of your day in a structured manner? Review your accomplishments for the day and plan for tomorrow. This will make your takeoff the next day a lot smoother.

While we can never plan for everything, investing in a takeoff and landing plan can return excellent results for both you and your firm. I’d love to hear some of your ideas as well. What has worked for you?

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